The Morality Front of the mentally unstable

Have you ever known someone who upon first, second, and third impressions come off as a great person? A person of good character? A person of great integrity?  BUT, upon closer observation, years of being in this person’s presence, and/or the witnessing of something outside of yourself showed this person in a much truer light?  You know, the kind of light you don’t need your glasses for because there is absolutely positively  no mistaking what you so clearly can  see.  It is a totally  different form of culture shock. It’s like seeing a black snake stand up and take off a white dove’s outfit.  Yes, I’m talking about the morality front of the mentally unstable. This front depends solely upon your belief in it to withstand. It needs your belief to survive, to thrive, to sleep, to eat, and to get into your life and ruin it or, at the very least, damage it as much as possible before being found out and forced to move on to its next host (if you’re even lucky enough to find out). Later, after the aftermath, you wonder “How did I not see this, know this, feel this, sense this?” Or even “What did I do to deserve this?”  Truth is most likely you were being “duped” from the beginning and did nothing to deserve what you got served. Simply put, this eerie illusion only survived because you believed in it. For example the man  who goes to mission every Monday night, to church service every Sunday morning, and is one of the church’s most beloved volunteers and members. Later it is discovered that he has been sexually abusing the children in the church nursery for years. Or like that woman who comes off as a sweet and enduring friend who is always there to listen to your problems and give you great advice only for you to find out that for years she  has been using that very information to connect with other’s and sabotage you in the process. Oh yes! I’m talking about that black snake dressed as a white dove. Once your initial shock is over you then began to mentally process things. The deeper you go into this processing you realize that you have been dealing with a very cold and calculated individual. A strategic person who has used you to “get off”.  Now you’re angry but the truth is that if you knew the truth, the real truth, the whole truth, you would probably feel more sorry for them than angry with them. Truth is that when these kinds of people enter out worlds (and sometimes born within our families)  they are not  consciously thinking about you in the process of working their “plan”. Oh no!  You are just the wheels (read believer) that keeps the car moving in the direction they are headed in.  The only person that they are really thinking about is themselves and most likely they cannot stop or control it because it is an unconscious mental disability. You may have been dealing with a person who has a Narcissistic Personality Disorder, a Histronic Personality Disorder, or even a Psychopath just to name a few.  The characteristics of your black snake will ultimately tell you which dysfunction you may have encountered.  Gathering your evidence and doing your own research will serve you best in this area by helping to keep you well equipped in recognizing when a black snake has possibly entered your sacred space or even worst has been hiding there all along. This world is no place for the naive. Stay protected my friends.

  • Narcissistic Personality Disorder: Extreme feeling of self importance, entitlement, and need to be admired. Envious of others and expect others to be envious of them. Lacks empathy and readily exploits others to achieve this.


  • Histronic Personality Disorder: Lack a sense of self worth and depend on other’s for their well-being on attracting the attention and approval of other’s. Histronic derives from the Latin word histrionics meaning ‘the actor’.


  • Psychopath: Unable to form emotional attachments or feel empathy with others. Very manipulative and gain trust easily. Mimics emotions because of inability to actually feel them. Appear normal to unsuspecting people, well educated, and hold steady jobs.

*Source: Psychology Today


Is it wrong to say “God” made a mistake?

Is it wrong to say “God” made a mistake? A world created where vagina is such a hot commodity that a man will take it no matter who or what it is on? A world where women look at their daughter’s as a separate entity outside of themselves? Is it wrong to say God made a mistake and he must start over? A world where the truth will get you killed and the lies will have you loved? Is it wrong for me to say “Yes God made a mistake and he must start over?” God must kill us all and start over. Bring people back uncorrupted and pure. A world where people don’t walk around pretending not to notice that there is something terribly wrong with them. That they are corrupt and sick. That they need help. Serious help…..Signs of an indigo child. Signs of a highly sensitive person. Sometimes I wish I could just turn it off, turn it down a notch. But then where would that leave me? Unawake, numb, puppetry. No, I rather stay awake for my sanity. But, rather sleep through my disgust. Can’t live with it, can’t live without it. Stuck. Yes God must start over.